Friday, July 9, 2010

A long time coming....

It occured to me, that I had run out of room on my camera's memory card. Anticipated a vacation within the next couple of weeks, I thought it would be a good idea to clear out the memory card. During this process, I found pictures from last September. if I was just now uploading those pics to my computer, clearly, I had no blogged, and therefore not posted anything since said September (a quick look online confirmed my suspicions). Therefore, for your viewing pleasure....2009-2010 in review, with the Philson Family.

Above you will see a late summer sunday with Grandpa, Dad, and Noah playing on a Tank in Beatrice. This was definately one of my favorite places as a kid.
Directly below that, Kim being "artsy" with the boys, the result of that talent, and the boys prepared to score some candy!

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