Saturday, September 20, 2008

So big, Harrison!

Harrison is definitely into everything these days. Now that he is crawling on his knees, he thinks he can get into everything. Within the last 2 weeks, he has also learned how to pull himself up on things, as the video demonstrates. I'm sure it's only a matter of a month or so before he's walking. Noah was walking by 10 months, so it wouldn't surprise any of us if Harrison followed his path. Harrison will be 8 months on 10/3 and it seems he can't grow up fast enough. I think his real intention is to drive his brother crazy. Harrison has also learned how to shake his head "no". He cracks himself up shaking his head, and makes everyone else laugh too. He'll shake his head while eating, playing, or while getting into trouble. There's no stopping him.

These next 2 videos are just quick little snap shots of the little guy playing. He's really started vocalizing a lot more while playing, although he still hasn't mastered Momma or Dada yet. However, Noah has mastered them. All day long we hear, "hey Momma" or "hey Dada". And it doesn't help if we try and ignore him, as he just gets louder and more frequent in his requests. As the video will show, Harrison also likes playing with big brother's toys. As long as Noah's not taking away the fun toys, or running by and hitting him, Harrison is very happy to just sit and play with Mom and Dad. He's a very happy baby, and turning very quickly into a very happy toddler.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That boy is mobile.

The world is not going to be the same.